dinsdag 3 juli 2012


I've been on a very beloved place for a few days: Terschelling. The most beautiful island in The Netherlands. I made a long walk with my father along one of the most amazing beaches the world knows. 'De Noordvaarder' is a nature reserve at the edge of 2 seas. The sands seem endless, birds are breeding and caring for their young in this time of year. The seals are swimming in the floods  and curiously watch the passers-by. However, also here the threats of plastic seem to be around. Sitting, watching the glorious view while having lunch I encountered the most tiny black shells in the sand near my feet. Or? No, they were tiny pieces of plastic. Dissolved from larger objects now almost invisible. It can't be said often enough: plastic does never disappear. Imagine these floating in the water, being part of the seals and fishes daily meals....
Anyway, it's a warning again and even more important to cherish, take care and enjoy these places.

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