These images ( Getty, AFP, Reuters) are taken in the world's largest refugee camp in Kenya, along the Somali border, and in Europe. Europe is not taking care of refugees but seems to be fighting them. Every person however has a story to tell.
Today in the Dutch paper Trouw the story of an Eritrean man living in The Netherlands for 20 years. He had to leave his country during the war with Ethiopia. His son grew up with his grant parents. For years the father tried to get his son with him. A DNA-test was needed to prove they are father and son. Five years ago the son received a permit for a visum. The Eritrean government though refused to give him a passport. Since being a young adult he faced the most gruesome circumstances while having to join military service, after leaving school. He couldn't stand it any longer and fled. No papers, no help. After a horrible journey through Sudan he reached Greece after two years. Now he desperately wants to join his father but is stuck in Athens. Continuous stress, and living in an open prison; that's what his life is like. Till when? Refugees are not people who go for some more luck in another country, but people who have all the reasons to get away from danger and despair. And have all the rights to do so. Amazing how the boys on the last photo can have so much fun. It's human resilience, and that's hopeful.
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