Knitting with different types of fibre is a real challenge. I've experienced linen, rope, grass, seaweed and different types of wool; hand-spun, thick, thin, smooth and sticky. One of the most challenging is the original Harris Tweed yarn. Made for weaving rather than knitting, and very sticky. It comes on big cones in melanges of blues and browns. I sometimes also use it on the machine, and that's even harder. It breaks easily. But the result is always beautiful. The rich natural colours and the structure of the yarn make an interesting fabric. In the latest issue of Bloom is this article about natural and special fibres used by Nanna van Blaaderen. She's also inspired by naturals, just as I am. She works with hand-knits for clothing and protecting, I use the techniques and yarns for objects we collect around us. It's great to experiment with sizes and surfaces, and to make objects that matter and are wished for.
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